What We Do

What We Do

Research and educational programs to understand and promote the health of MCH populations

Our research and educational programs are grounded in a life course framework and demography as a science and a tool to understand and promote the health of MCH populations. The programs offer opportunities to enhance skills in program evaluation, evidence-based advocacy, leadership, demographic methods, and translation of research evidence for programs and policy. They also emphasize the science and research base of MCH; a systems approach to addressing MCH concerns; the social and environmental context of MCH; critical thinking and analytical skills; diversity and its impact on health; equity, and the importance of family for MCH populations.

We offer multidisciplinary training programs for masters and doctoral students in MCH; promote MCH knowledge and advocacy to the Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) community; undertake research and practice involving students in collaboration with faculty; engage in interprofessional education and training; and provide technical assistance to the broader MCH community.

Our graduate training programs include a Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH), a Master of Health Science in MCH (MHS online), and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). We also offer a Certificate in Maternal and Child Health for Hopkins as well as non-degree students. We also are delighted to offer support for current doctoral students pursuing MCH Epidemiology research and a 2-year MCH Postdoctoral Fellowship.